Life Cycle Impacts

Credit 19 With 8 Points Available 

To reward the reduction of the environmental impacts of building materials for the whole building over its entire life cycle. Up to 5 points are available where the project reduces the amount of building materials used. The following options are included in this pathway:

  • Concrete;

  • Steel; and

  • Building Reuse; and

  • Structural Timber

    There are 8 points available between the options in this pathway. However, only a maximum of 5 points can be awarded depending on the project’s specific conditions.


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Concrete - 3 points Available

Aim of the credit is to encourage and recognise the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and resource use associated with the use of concrete. The credit criteria includes- 19B.1.1 Portland Cement Reduction (up to 2 points), 19B.1.2 Water Reduction (0.5 points) and 19B.1.3 Aggregates Reduction (0.5 points). For more Information see the drop down list below.

Steel - 1 point available

Aim of the credit is to encourage environmentally responsible production, design and fabrication methods that result in efficient use of steel as a building material. Project teams may comply with either pathway A or pathway B depending on the primary structure of the building. One point is available in this credit, using the applicable pathway. The pathway criteria includes- 19B.2A Reduced Mass of Steel Framing (Steel Framed Building - 1 point) and 19B.2B Reduced Use of Steel Reinforcement (Concrete Framed Building - 1 point). For more information see the drop down list below.


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Building Reuse - 4 points available

Aim of the credit is to encourage and recognise projects that re-use existing structure or facade elements to minimise material consumption. The credit criteria includes- 19B.3.1 Façade Reuse (1 point is available where at least 50% (by area) of the building façade is retained; or2 points are available where the proportion retained is 80%) and 19B.3.2 Structure Reuse (1 point is available where at least 30% (by mass) of the existingmajor structure is retained; or2 points are available where the proportion retained is 60%).

Structural Timber - 3 points available

Aim of the credit is to recognise the use of responsible sourcing and reduced embodied impacts associated with the use of structural timber. To qualify for points in this credit a minimum requirement must be met. The credit criteria includes- 19B.4.0 Responsible Sourcing (The minimum requirement is met where all structural timber used in the building is responsibly sourced). 19B.4.1 Reduced Embodied Impacts (up to 3 points).


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19B.1.1 Portland Cement Reduction
Up to two (2) points are available where the Portland cement content in all concrete used in the project has been reduced by replacing it with supplementary cementitious materials.

  • One (1) point is awarded where project teams can demonstrate that the Portland cement content is reduced by 30%, measured by mass across all concrete used in the project compared to the reference case; or

  • Two (2) points are awarded where project teams can demonstrate that the Portland cement content is reduced by 40%, measured by mass across all concrete used in the project compared to the reference case.


Calculating the Reference Case

A reference case is used as a basis for calculating the percentage reduction of Portland cement in the building. The reference case represents the amount of Portland cement (in kilograms) that would have been used in the project if no supplementary cementitious materials were used.

The reference case should be established through the following steps (an example is provided in the Guidance section):

  1. Establish the concrete mixes used in the project, their volume and strength grade.

  2. Based on Table 19B.1.1 calculate the total amount of Portland cement in each mix, in kilograms, assuming no supplementary cementitious materials are used.

  3. Add all totals of Portland cement in all mixes; this figure is the reference case for the project.

It is noted that not all concrete mixes used in a project may have the exact concrete strength grades shown in 19B.1.1. The project concrete designer or the supplier’s concrete technologist will need to use the figures in 19B.1.1 to calculate the amount of Portland cement in such mixes. This must be calculated as a linear interpolation of the two closest performing concrete mix reference cases.

19B.1.2 Water Reduction

Half a point (0.5) is awarded where project teams can demonstrate that the mix water for all concrete used in the project contains at least 50% captured or reclaimed water (measured across all concrete mixes in the project). A worked example is provided in the Guidance section.

19B.1.3 Aggregates Reduction

Half a point (0.5) is awarded where project teams can demonstrate that either:

  1. At least 40% of coarse aggregate in the concrete is crushed slag aggregate or another alternative materials (measured by mass across all concrete mixes in the project), provided that the use of such materials does not increase the use of Portland cement by over five kilograms per cubic metre of concrete; or

  2. At least 25% of fine aggregate (sand) inputs in the concrete are manufactured sand or other alternative materials (measured by mass across all concrete mixes in the project), provided that use of such materials does not increase the use of Portland cement by over five kilograms per cubic metre of concrete.

Acceptable types of alternative coarse and fine aggregate are listed in the Cement Concrete and Aggregate Australia publications: Use of Recycled Aggregates in Construction and Guide to the Specification and Use of Manufactured Sand in Concrete. A worked example is provided in the Guidance section.


Market Transformation: Sustainable Sourcing of Concrete Aggregates

The GBCA invites project teams submit an Innovation Challenge for the sustainable sourcing of concrete aggregates.

19B.2A Reduced Mass of Steel Framing
One (1) point
is awarded where project teams can demonstrate that there is a reduction in the mass of steel framing used when compared to standard practice. The reduced mass of steel framing can be demonstrated by one of the following design initiatives:

  1. High strength steel; or

  2. Reduction in mass of steel framing by 5% when compared to a suitable reference building

19B.2A.A High Strength Steel

For this option, project teams must demonstrate that 95% of Category A products and 25% of Category B products meet the strength grades specified in Table 19B.2A.1 and Table 19B.2A.2, as applicable.


19B.2A.B Reduction in Mass

For this option, project teams must demonstrate that the project results in a 5% or more reduction in mass of steel framing, when compared to a suitable reference case building.

To demonstrate compliance the Submission Template must be completed by a qualified Structural Engineer that includes the following:

  • A description of how the amount of steel has been reduced;

  • justification of a reference case;

  • Calculations of the reduction in the total amount (by mass) of steel necessary for the design structure against the reference case; and

  • Confirmation that the reduction has been achieved without changing the load path to other structure elements that are not steel.

19B.2B Reduced Use of Steel Reinforcement
One (1) point
is awarded where project teams can demonstrate a 5% reduction in the mass of reinforcing steel used in the building when compared to standard practice.

To demonstrate compliance the Submission Template must be completed by a qualified Structural Engineer that includes the following:

  • A description of how the amount of reinforcing steel has been reduced;

  • Calculations of the reduction in the total amount (by mass) of reinforcement necessary for the design structure against a reference case;

  • Standard reinforcement detailing shall be defined by an industry standard such as the Reinforcement Detailing Handbook – Concrete Institute of Australia;

  • Justification of the reference case reinforcing rates;

  • Confirm that the reduction has been achieved by without changing the load path to other structure elements that are not steel.

19B.3.1 Façade Reuse

The proportion of the total façade being reused shall be demonstrated by vertical area.

Refurbishment of Existing Elements

Refurbishment of a reused façade element is inconsequential to determining whether the element is reused. However, where more than 20% of a façade element is replaced as part of the refurbishment, the element may not be counted as reused. The proportion of the façade refurbishment should be measured by length, volume or mass, whichever is more appropriate and the metric chosen must be justified by the project team.

19B.3.2 Structure Reuse

Major structure is defined as floors, columns, beams, load bearing walls and foundations. The measure of retained building structure shall be based on gross building volume. Gross building volume is measured as the building footprint (m2) x building height (m).

For a proportion of the existing major structure to be considered reused, all the major structural elements must be retained in that part of the building. The reused percentage should be calculated as a proportion of the existing structure volume.

Refurbishment of Existing Elements

Refurbishment of a structural element is inconsequential to determining whether the element is reused. However, where more than 20% of a structural element is replaced as part of the refurbishment, the element may not be counted as reused. The proportion of the structural element refurbishment should be measured by length, volume or mass, whichever is more appropriate and the metric chosen must be justified by the project team.


No Innovation points will be awarded for improving on Green Star benchmarks for this pathway.


19B.4.0 Responsible Sourcing

It is a minimum requirement for this criterion that all structural timber used in the building is FSC or PEFC certified.

Compliance shall be demonstrated by either achieving the ‘Responsible Building Materials – Timber Products’ credit criteria or providing all relevant supporting documentation in this criterion submission. Please refer to the Documentation Requirements section.

19B.4.1 Reduced Embodied Impacts
Up to three (3) points are awarded based on the proportion (by gross floor area) of structural timber used in the building.

Any gross floor area (GFA) that is constructed and / or supported from structural timber is deemed compliant. Any GFA where the vertical structure is not primarily structural timber shall not be included as compliant area. This may include concrete cores, lift shafts or hybrid material structure.

Floor area calculations shall be taken from above the ground plane, inclusive of any on-grade or ground floor slab. Any floors located below ground should not be included in the area calculations. Additionally, calculations only apply to the new floor area constructed as part of the project’s scope of works – existing floor area should be excluded.

Where the minimum requirement is met, the following points will be awarded:

  • For 30% of the building’s GFA – 1 point;

  • For 70% of the building’s GFA – 2 points; and

  • For 90% of the building’s GFA – 3 points.

Points will be awarded on a sliding scale basis, up to one decimal place. For example, where the structural timber used in the building is 40% of the GFA, 1.3 points will be awarded.

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We will always be here to help you attain your life cycle credits quickly and efficiently. If you have any questions or inquiries feel free to call or email us.

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