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BASIX Compliance Certificate

What does a BASIX Compliance Certificate Look Like? Why Do You Need One?


What is a BASIX Compliance Certificate? 

BASIX (The Building Sustainability Index) was introduced as part of the NSW Government’s 2004 initiative to ‘encourage sustainable residential development’ and is in effect part of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.
The BASIX certificate aims to accommodate NSW with more resilient dwellings together with reducing greenhouse gases and water consumption.
BASIX was established to meet targets of up to 40% reductions in water consumption as well as greenhouse gas reductions by up to 25%. As a result, this delivers financial savings for the home owner.
It is required when lodging your Development Application plans. 


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Get Your

BASIX Checklist

Strap a rocket to your ESD Consultant's back

with this must have BASIX Checklist. 


What Does A BASIX Compliance Certificate Look Like? 

Here is an example of what a BASIX Compliance Certificate will look like when you've had your development assessed by a certified BASIX assessor. 

BASIX Compliance Certificate



Want to learn everything about BASIX?

We have the most updated and largest BASIX resource available anywhere. We can it the BASIX Bible because it's a resource which has everything you need to know about BASIX and compliance. 

Return to BASIX BIBLE and learn even more