

Everything you need to know

About LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), the most widely used green building rating system in the world.

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Capability Statement

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A certification from LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) should indicate a healthier and relatively stress-free environment which responds to the well-being of its occupants. LEED aims to enable such an environment through the promotion of resourceful and efficiency energy consumption within likewise resourceful and efficient systems and policies. Ultimately, a certification like LEED can result in higher occupancy and leaser rates, and lowered utility costs. 



What is LEED exactly?

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, is an international green building certification system recognised as a benchmark for industry excellence in sustainability. This certification proves external verification (outside of the requirements issued by the jurisdiction of the council area that the building resides in) which aims to ensure that a building or community was designed and built with strategies whose sole purpose was to improve performance across categories such as:
  • Energy usage
  • Water efficiency
  • CO2 emission reduction
  • Improved indoor environment quality
  • Management of resources
  • Sensitivity to environmental impacts
A certification from LEED should indicate a healthier and relatively stress-free environment designed to promote and respond to the well-being of its occupants. Not only will a LEED certified building address the well being of its occupants, it will also reduce stress output on to the environment through resourceful and efficient energy consumption.

How is LEED assessed?

LEED assessment is controlled by the USGBC, through which assessors can be accredited to undertake LEED ratings. LEED is assessed by rating how the building complies with certain sustainability goals that the USGBC has outlined as stated above.


Image of building for LEED




What you need to know


When is a LEED Certificate required?

A LEED certification is an optional rating that certain high performing buildings can request in order to demonstrate their efforts to create healthy, liveable and sustainable spaces. LEED is not a requirement for any council, however, adds a cost benefit to projects as the rating demonstrates the building’s commitment to sustainable and renewable living.
There are many benefits of having a LEED rating, such as being much more competitive -a sustainable building can lead to market differentiation and therefore, improved financial performance. It has been shown that LEED certified buildings have led to increasingly content employees and occupants which has subsequently attracted more desirable tenants (up to 20% above average lease-up rates). Other financial benefits include lower operational costs, saving energy and resources making a more cost effective building during construction and operation with more inviting spaces encouraging activity and promoting productivity. LEED assessment is controlled by the USGBC, through which assessors can be accredited to undertake LEED ratings.


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What are the requirements of a LEED certificate?

There are five different certification types through which a building can be categorised and assessed, those being building design and construction, interior design and construction, building operations and maintenance, neighbourhood development, and homes. Each of these categories defines a certain type of sustainability compliance having various sustainability goals. To be assessed by LEED the project must firstly comply with the requirements of the type that it is categorised in, be in a fixed location so as to accurately assess its surrounding climate’s effect on the thermal comfort of the structure, it must also use reasonable boundaries as outlined by LEED, as well as comply with the project size requirements.


Cost and Time Commitments

Due to the processes involved in carrying out this assessment and the scale and complexity of projects typically associated with a LEED certification, costing will vary. The size in square meters has a big impact on the costing per project.  
As for the time frame expected to achieve a LEED certification, it can also vary greatly depending on the scale of the project.
To find out the exact price and time frame for completion of a LEED certification, we strongly recommend contacting us and sending in your architectural plans and all relevant documents. We will aim to send you a quote within the same business day. 
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