Beginners Guide to Thermal Performance Assessments
This article is a beginners guide to Thermal Performance Assessments. So if you need to know "What...
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Also known as a Part J report, a Section J Report highlights the energy efficiency requirements for a Class 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 for non-residential commercial buildings. This is defined by Section J (or Part J) of Volume One of the National Construction Code (NCC), formally known as the Building Code of Australia (BCA). The Section J Method of Compliance (Deemed-to-Satisfy – DtS) is used when the Evidence of Suitability method (using the Deemed to Satisfy (DtS) Provisions of Part J of the Energy Efficiency section of the NCC Volume 1) have been chosen as the most appropriate method to assess the compliance of the proposed development. Residential Buildings not covered under Class 1-2 Section J Reports are also used for all new residential and commercial developments that are not covered under Class 1 or 2.
These include types of boarding houses, guest houses, hostels, lodging houses, commercial, retail, apartments and backpacker accommodation. Other buildings can also include a residential area of schools and hotels. The Section J Report is also required for new building extensions and refurbishments to existing buildings. Energy Efficiency Standard of Section J Reports Energy efficiency is the main standard of Section J Reports which can be used for insulation, building fabric, external glazing performance, building sealing, air-conditioning and ventilation performance, artificial lighting and power performance, heated water supply and spa plant pool and access to energy plants for maintenance. The Section J Report outlines the solutions and provisions that are necessary for the development to meet the requirements outlined in Section J of the NCC. Many councils in Australia require a Section J Report in order to proceed with a Development Application. To request a quote for a Section J Report please click here.
As stated, Section J compliance is assessed against nine categories as described in section J of the National Construction Code. Based on the type of dwelling, the building is measured against these categories in order to assess its assumed thermal performance for new dwellings or rate its assumed existing thermal performance for alterations and additions on existing properties. Specifically, each building is assessed using a glazing calculator to assess the overall thermal performance of glazed elements with glazing and frame types taken into consideration as well as window orientation and the relative ratio of glass to the wall, and glass to floor. A lighting calculator is also used to assess the required and maximum energy usage of any given room within the building in order to reduce energy consumption as well as to meet overall state and national energy efficiency goals. Areas that do not comply under the Section J provisions will need recommendations in order to meet the minimum requirements of the Deemed-to-Satisfy (DtS) provisions.
Energy Efficiency Requirements of the NCC
The aim of NCC is to use less energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, and other services used by buildings that require the use of energy. To be energy efficient means to work towards improving systems that directly consume energy including lighting, air-conditioning, and heating. This also includes working towards maintaining a greater level of control regarding the way heat flows in and out of the building’s fabric. The energy efficiency requirements also take into account the following:
Part J1 – The building’s fabric performance
Part J2 – External glazing and shading
Part J3 – Sealing of the building
Part J5 – Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems
Part J6 – Performance of artificial lighting
Part J7 – Heated water supply system for heating and pumping of swimming pools and spas
Part J8 – facilities used to monitor energy use.
This article is a beginners guide to Thermal Performance Assessments. So if you need to know "What...