What are the changes occurring to the NABERS certificate in 2017?
As of 1st July 2017, many owners and managers of office buildings will be affected by the changes to the Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) Program as the mandatory disclosure threshold is being lowered. At present, it is required that commercial buildings over 2000 square metres obtain a NABERS certificate. However, this requirement is changing in July 2017 to building or tenancies of 1000 square metres or more.
These changes were decided after a comprehensive review of the CBD program and public consultation earlier this year.
Those who will be affected by this change include:
- Building Owners
- Building Managers
- Tenants
- Property Hunters
- Real Estate agents
- (list more of our targets)
How will I be affected?
A requirement of the changes to the CBD Program is that a current NABERS Office Energy rating must be included in the advertising when an office space of 1000 square metres is offered for sale or lease. Therefore, if you are a building owner or manager of a space that is greater than 1000 square metres then you will need a valid NABERS rating before it is put on the market.
Why are these changes occurring?
The changes to the NABERS certificate will be beneficial to purchasers and tenants of the building as it will inform them of the buildings energy costs at the point of sale or lease. Overall, by reducing the threshold to 1000 square metres it is projected there will be a 17,395TJ reduction in end use energy consumption, a delivery of about $60 million in energy savings and an abatement of over 3.5 million tonnes of greenhouse gases.
This move by The Turnbull Government is a step towards creating a more sustainable future across Australia.
To get a quote for a NABERS rating on your project please 'click here'. (link)