Are you looking for a Life Cycle Assessment for your next project?
At Certified Energy we take pride helping our clients and their projects in reaching their full potential, ensuring maximum savings and minimum energy use, allowing for cost effective yet sustainable solutions. For more information about a Life Cycle Assessment please read the detailed description below, or call us at 1300 443 674, our dedicated staff will be happy to help in any way possible.
What is a Life Cycle Assessment?
Life Cycle Assessment or LCA is a tool providing information to building professionals helping them to understand the energy usage and various other environmental effects that are associated with the entire life cycle phase of a building. LCA is a method used to evaluate the environmental impact of processes and products from “cradle to grave”. LCA endeavours to identify the environmental effects of a product, it is a process that is progressively becoming more widely adopted in the context of national and international environmental regulations.
When is a Life Cycle Assessment required?
An LCA is an optional rating system that has two main benefits, those being to help consumers and building-code officials make informed decisions whilst designing and building, and attempting to drive innovation by demonstrating areas through which the manufacturers can improve a product’s quality and efficiency.
What are the requirements of a Life Cycle Assessment?
A Life Cycle Assessment requires the interrogation and study of the procedures through which a product is created, use and subsequently disposed. This process includes the study of the transport of materials their packaging and the disposal of said packaging as well as the embodied energy required to construct. This is compared against international standards using LCA databases, tools, and models, to attempt to fully understand the smallest implications that production and construction has on the environment the focus being for understanding of the effects to become a more important part of sustainable design. By using an LCA contractors can know how they can better prevent environmental problems related to project management and improper waste disposal, home builders using LCA can explain how a green building material yields energy savings throughout its lifetime, and building owners can see how sustainable products reduce environmental impacts for the lifetime of their investment.
How is a Life Cycle Assessment assessed?
LCA is a technique that is used to assess certain environmental aspects and potential adverse effects associated with a product, service, or process, by creating an inventory of energy and material inputs and environmental releases, evaluating any potential environmental impacts caused by identified inputs and releases. The results should help in making a more informed decision about the human health and wellbeing, and environmental impacts of products, processes, and activities. There are various software programs that are used to assess these impacts through which an accurate assessment of the full extent of a product’s effect on the environment can be established.
How much does a Life Cycle Assessment cost?
The cost for a Life Cycle Assessment depends on the size and complexity of the project as well as the fees for certification. Therefore to discuss your options please feel free to call us.