Are you looking for a WELL Rating for your next project?
At Certified Energy we take pride helping our clients and their projects in reaching their full potential, ensuring maximum savings and minimum energy use, allowing for cost effective yet sustainable solutions. For more information about a WELL rating please read the detailed description below, or call us at 1300 443 674, our dedicated staff will be happy to help in any way possible.
What is a WELL rating?
The WELL rating system follows performance-based criteria that measure, monitor and certify parts of the built environment that have an innate impact on wellbeing and health of humans. Its aim is to help prevent chronic diseases by using the built environment through the improvement of nutrition, mood, fitness, sleep patterns and performance of its occupants. Already over 250 separate projects across twenty two countries are already registered for a WELL rating. 20 of which are in Australia.
When is a WELL Rating required?
WELL is an optional energy rating that demonstrates industry excellence, showing a building has met sustainability goals, attempting to drastically reduce a buildings carbon footprint as well as attempting to improve the health and wellbeing of its occupants.
What are the requirements of a WELL Rating?
There are three levels of WELL certification, those being silver, gold and platinum increasing in achievement respectively. To become a certified WELL building, firstly you must register with the WELL certification body, through which, you will receive an accredited assessor who will guide you through the process as well as perform onsite inspections and reviews of project documentation. After these rigorous assessments and if WELL certification is achieved follow up inspections are required in order to sure that the building is maintaining its performance targets in the future, well after initial certification.
How is a WELL Rating assessed?
The WELL system is organised in seven concepts of “wellness”. These concepts are divided into performance-based standards or prescriptive standards that require specific technologies, design strategies or protocols (e.g. a smoking ban).
This rating system is based on medical research that demonstrates the link between the buildings in which we spend more than 90 percent of our time, and the wellness and overall health of occupants who use it on a daily basis.
Integrating WELL can be achieved at various levels:
- Auditing each building: by auditing each building it will reveal alignments, gaps and opportunities for more cost-effective solutions for WELL certification
- A gap analysis: analysis against the Environmental Management Plan
- Integrating WELL initiatives: by integrating WELL goals into a project bid to maximize satisfaction of requirements in an early stage of a project
- Embedding WELL in the company procurement strategy helps satisfy WELL requirements in tenders and contracts
- Sustainability strategy and reporting
How much does a WELL Rating cost
The cost for a WELL rating depends on the size and complexity of the project as well as the fees for certification. WELL is a very complex process requiring very in-depth investigations of a building’s operation and energy usage. Therefore to discuss your options please feel free to call us.
What are the requirements for WELL?
There are three levels of WELL certification:
These 3 Levels include-
- Silver
- Gold
- and Platinum level,
The level of achievement increasing respectively from silver to platinum with the most successfully “green” buildings receiving platinum certification on the well scale. To become a certified WELL building of any of the previously listed levels, there are a number of steps which must be taken. Firstly you must register with the WELL certification body, through which, you will receive an accredited assessor who will guide you through the process as well as perform onsite inspections and reviews of project documentation a crucial step in gauging the success of the building. After these rigorous assessments are completed and if WELL certification is achieved, several follow up inspections are required in order to ensure that the building is maintaining its performance targets in the future, well after initial certification, to ensure that the building maintains its well certification.