Ilvy Bonnefin

Ilvy Bonnefin

Ilvy Bonnefin is the Managing Director of Certified Energy

Recent posts by Ilvy Bonnefin

4 min read

Emerging Materials: Ferrock

By Ilvy Bonnefin on Nov 18, 2022 3:59:01 PM

Carbon Negative Future - Emergence of Carbon Negative Construction Materials

With the growing popularity of Ferrock manufacturing, the use of Ferrock material make it an attractive option to use. The Ferrock material has many uses for sustainability and represents a great alternative.

Topics: Emerging Materials
5 min read

Emerging Materials: Mycelium Brick

By Ilvy Bonnefin on Nov 18, 2022 2:40:20 PM

The Future is Biodegradable

Development of Bio-fabricated Materials in the Construction Industry

Hy-Fi, Queen, NY, The Living, 2014 (
Topics: Emerging Materials
3 min read

Emerging Materials: Grasscrete

By Ilvy Bonnefin on Feb 15, 2017 2:37:03 PM

Reducing the Heat Island

How Grasscrete is Reducing the Heat Island Effect

Partially Concealed and Stone Filled Mix (

Topics: Emerging Materials
4 min read

Emerging Materials: Recycled Plastic

By Ilvy Bonnefin on Feb 8, 2017 10:00:10 PM

Recycled Architecture

Sustainable Design Through Recycling


Topics: Emerging Materials
3 min read

Emerging Materials: Thermo Bimetals

By Ilvy Bonnefin on Aug 12, 2016 2:56:21 PM

 In the ever evolving field of architectural design, new and exciting materials are being created in order to reduce the energy used by a building but not limit their ability to considerably heat or cool a building.

Topics: Emerging Materials