The BASIX assessment and NatHERS process is an ever evolving practice which requires extensive knowledge of available materials, passive heating and cooling strategies and how to design in an ecologically sustainable manner. Although to complete and sign off on the BASIX process one must be a certified assessor. The assessor’s background does not play a large role in determining their competency in assessing a building’s efficiency. Therefore, the question is raised as to who is the most qualified or most knowledgeable to be completing the BASIX assessment?
2 min read
Who do you want doing your BASIX Assessment?
By Ilvy Bonnefin on Apr 26, 2020 1:14:41 PM
Topics: ESD Architecture BASIX Opinion Residential
2 min read
Building Ethics - Why We Need Them
By Deniro Stocks on Oct 24, 2019 11:00:00 AM
Earlier this year a structural engineer in Darwin was caught out on building design as it deemed to be considered non-compliant with the National Construction Code. The engineer was rightfully suspended of his engineering registration by the Northern Territory's Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DPIL).
Topics: Insider ESD BASIX NatHERS Accreditations Energy Efficiency Opinion Commercial
2 min read
How the Australian Architects Climate Emergency will Affect Builders
By Chloe Huang on Sep 23, 2019 11:00:00 AM
A large proportion of Australian architects have followed suit with their English counterparts developing Declare Australia in an attempt to promote a self-sustaining and constantly regenerating environment for future generations. But, what impacts will this have for property developers and builders going forward?
Topics: Architecture Construction Energy Efficiency Climate Opinion Residential
2 min read
Moore's NABERS dream - Reality or fantasy?
By Deniro Stocks on Aug 6, 2019 11:00:00 AM
In May 2018, Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore wanted new commercial developments to reach a 5.5 NABERS (National Australian Built Environment Rating System) Energy Star Rating in a drive towards zero carbon emissions in Sydney CBD. But, how much of an impact will this make on Sydney's CBD area from a environmental sustainability perspective?