To ensure a seamless approval process that doesn't hold you down or end up costing more than it should, it's critical to determine which compliance technique works best for the development early on.
In this article, we're going to discuss:
22 min read
Section J vs JV3, Know Which Method Suits your Project
By Jamie Bonnefin on Nov 14, 2024 5:30:00 PM
Topics: Deemed to Satisfy Section J JV3 Commercial
17 min read
What is a Section J Report and When is it Required
By Jamie Bonnefin on Nov 7, 2024 3:39:24 PM
What is a Section J Report exactly, and when is it required?
In this article, we're going to discuss:
- Understanding Section J Reports
- When is a Section J Report Required?
- Requirements for Compliance
- How is Section J Assessed
- Who can Perform a Section J Report?
- Section J vs JV3
In Australian commercial construction, energy efficiency is more than a trend—it's a necessity. Stricter regulations now demand sustainable practices to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Central to this effort is the Section J report, part of the National Construction Code (NCC).
Topics: Section J
3 min read
How to Manage Rising Building Costs with JV3
By Jamie Bonnefin on Mar 7, 2023 12:57:05 PM
A JV3 Report is an alternative assessment method for non-residential buildings which uses a reference building to compare the overall assumed energy consumption of new buildings with respect to their location and climate. Whereas, alternatively a Section J Report offers a simpler assessment and is more suitable for less complex projects.
Topics: Section J JV3 Commercial
3 min read
Section J vs. JV3 - When to use Which Compliance Method
By Jamie Bonnefin on Feb 28, 2023 9:32:04 AM
What’s the difference between a Section J and JV3?
Topics: ESD Section J Architecture Sustainability JV3 Commercial
6 min read
2019 Proposed NCC building fabric changes + how they affect you
By Chloe Huang on Nov 19, 2018 2:07:31 PM
The 2019 National Construction Code (NCC) is now imminent and if it seems like it’s been a while since the last major release, it has been a long but welcome 3 years since the Australian Building Codes Board shifted to triennial updates.
The proposed changes include a complete rewrite to the way the building fabric is assessed under Section J (Energy Efficiency). The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) committee working on this update claim to have “rewritten Section J in its entirety" [1] which is powerfully showcased through the 30% average increase to the energy efficiency stringency requirements.
So what does this mean to you, as a builder or an architect? How is this going to affect your project and does this mean an increased financial strain on your budget to comply with these new energy efficiency targets? In short it depends what climate zone you are building and to what extent how much renewable energy mix is within your local energy supply. The below table indicates the expected construction cost reduction or increased to comply with the new NCC based on your climate zone refer map below.
[1]Dr Paul Bannister – Reviewer for Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings DTS Modelling Report 2018 by Energy Action
Topics: Energy NCC ESD Section J Certification Update NCC Changes NABERS
4 min read
Proposed changes for National Construction Code Section J
By Paulina Solis on Apr 5, 2018 4:00:00 PM
The National Construction Code (NCC) is undergoing a massive overhaul in 2019 with Section J being significantly improved to combat rising greenhouse gases and improve the energy efficiency of commercial and residential buildings. A range of sustainability certification criterion will be affected, so if you are looking at beginning a new project in the next 12-18 months, these changes could be highly relevant.
Topics: Section J Changes
2 min read
Section J Improving Targets
By Sarah Marcius on Apr 11, 2017 2:45:45 PM
Major Upgrades to Section J
As the ESD industry changes and new practices emerge and become more commonplace so must the rating systems which assess them, therefore in 2019 major updates to section J of the NCC will occur intended to create massive energy and greenhouse gas emissions savings. These updates are aiming to target common areas in buildings class 2,3, and 5 through 9 through which cost saving and ecologically beneficial goals can be met.
Topics: Section J Uncategorised Commercial
4 min read
U and R Values & Energy Rating: What do they mean?
By Jamie Bonnefin on Aug 19, 2016 5:20:17 PM
In the field of ESD, two terms which constantly appear are the U and R values of products, but what do these mean? Whether referring to insulation or glazing each product on the market has a specific either U or R value. These values refer to the thermal performance of specific products and materials and how they assist in maintaining thermal control in a building or structure. These values are an integral part of the BASIX, NatHERS and Section J process in the NCC, which require specific values to be either entered into the glazing calculator for Section J reports or specific glazing types with predetermined U and SHGC values for BASIX and NatHERS along with specific R values for insulation and building materiality.
Topics: ESD Section J BASIX NatHERS Star Rating Accreditations
1 min read
Section J: Method of Compliance (Deemed to Satisfy)
By Jamie Bonnefin on May 3, 2016 9:42:12 AM
The Evidence of Suitability method using the Deemed to Satisfy Provisions of Part J of the Energy Efficiency section of the NCC Volume 1 (formally the BCA) have been chosen as the most appropriate method to assess the compliance of the proposed development.
Topics: Section J Sustainability Accreditations Construction Commercial
1 min read
Energy Efficiency Industry: History
By Ilvy Bonnefin on Apr 28, 2016 12:34:47 PM
Due to concerns regarding global warning, the Australian Government in July 2000, announced that the State and Territory governments along with industry had reached agreement in regards to adopting a “two pronged” approach to reducing the overall greenhouse emissions from buildings. This was first introduced through the implementation of mandatory minimum energy performance requirements through the Building Code of Australia (BCA). Secondly was the encouragement of voluntary best practice initiatives within the industry. These initiatives were widely supported, with the reasoning that the building related matters be consolidated in the BCA wherever possible.