This article is a beginners guide to Thermal Performance Assessments. So if you need to know "What is Thermal Performance?" specifically the thermal performance of buildings, than you've come to the right place. Lets begin
15 min read
Beginners Guide to Thermal Performance Assessments
By Jamie Bonnefin on Oct 31, 2024 2:41:51 PM
Topics: NatHERS Thermal Comfort Thermal Performance
21 min read
The BASIX of NSW Sustainability Requirements
By Jamie Bonnefin on Oct 31, 2024 12:02:11 PM
Let's start with the Basics of the BASIX Requirements, and when you need a BASIX Certificate.
Topics: BASIX Thermal Comfort Energy Efficiency BASIX Requirements
4 min read
Passive House: Comfortable Homes are the Future!
By Jamie Bonnefin on Jan 31, 2023 3:50:21 PM
The Passive House standard of construction provides a comfortable habitable space by means of reducing thermal bridges, high performance glazing and smart design for solar gain producing a sustainable airtight solution. Passive House buildings are already being built in a variety of climates and building types, including single-family homes, multi-family buildings, schools and commercial buildings, showing that the standard can be adapted to different projects and contexts.
This ability to significantly adapt to the changes in climate enables superiorly comfortable temperatures throughout the construction. The building’s inhabitants will receive the benefits of a temperate environment, reducing the use of expensive climate controls like air conditioning. The Passive House solution also supports the comfort of the user, not only through an evenly temperate environment, but through airtight construction the mitigation of sound transmission, dust, bugs and moisture.
Passive House prioritises energy efficiency and comfort, offering a future proof solution to the increasing needs of all stakeholders. Sustainable construction is already seen as the answer to the climate crisis which is where the Passive House standard offers solutions that are beneficial to both the environment and inhabitants.
Topics: ESD Architecture Thermal Comfort Sustainability Passive House Benefits of Passive House
4 min read
Beginners Guide: Thermal Mass
By Ilvy Bonnefin on Apr 25, 2020 12:01:25 PM
Want to learn more about optimising the thermal comfort of your project? Read below to learn the basics regarding the Thermal Mass capabilities in certain building materials!
Topics: Thermal Comfort Sustainability Energy Efficiency Thermal Performance Cooling Residential Commercial
4 min read
Tips to achieving a 6 Star Energy Rating
By Ilvy Bonnefin on Apr 25, 2020 11:58:34 AM
NatHERS, (or Nationalwide House Energy Rating Scheme), provides a rating system to determine the thermal comfort of Australian homes through software simulations. This system rates from zero to ten stars. The more stars a home gets the more comfortable the occupants will feel when living in the house/unit without additional cooling or heating systems. A building is unlikely to need any artificial heating or cooling system if it gets a 10 star rating.
Topics: Architecture NatHERS Thermal Comfort Thermal Performance Residential
2 min read
Top Tips on how to pass BASIX
By Deniro Stocks on Apr 25, 2020 11:48:30 AM
BASIX (Building Sustainability Index) assesses the energy and water efficiency of your development. It is one of the most important planning tools currently operating in NSW to ensure buildings are being developed to operate in a sustainable manner. In NSW the State Government requires that a BASIX Certificate is attached to all development plans when submitted for DA approval.
Topics: ESD BASIX NatHERS Thermal Comfort Sustainability Energy Efficiency Residential
2 min read
The Impact of Self-Tinting Glazing in Different Environments
By Maud Dassen on Jul 2, 2019 11:37:52 AM
Suntuitive's dynamic thermochromic self-tinting glazing has many benefits such as elevated mood, increased levels of concentration and higher productivity. However, a common question is: does it perform as well in cold climates as it does in warm?
Topics: Thermal Comfort Sustainability Insulation Solar Climate Materials Cooling Suntuitive Residential Commercial
3 min read
How Suntuitive is Improving Glazing Technology
By Deniro Stocks on Jun 21, 2019 9:48:22 AM
Suntuitive brings the future to life with smart, self-tinted window glazing. When installed to residential or commercial buildings this technology provides improved climate control and greatly enhanced energy efficiency for both single and double glazed window systems. Other benefits of this thermocromic dynamic glass technology are noise reduction and glare moderation resulting in more expansive views.
Topics: NatHERS Thermal Comfort Energy Insulation Windows Solar Climate Materials Cooling Residential Commercial
3 min read
How to design for Climate: Climate Sensitive Design
By Ilvy Bonnefin on Aug 22, 2018 9:29:39 AM
It is important that designers modify their designs in relation to the climate in which they are built in. In order for the occupants of a home to remain thermally comfortable, the design must work with the climate, not against it, decreasing the need to use heating and cooling systems.
Topics: Architecture NatHERS Thermal Comfort Energy Efficiency Thermal Performance Climate Cooling Residential
5 min read
How to keep your home cool next summer
By Paulina Solis on Mar 15, 2018 3:01:56 PM
How do I cool down my home? Our 5 top tips to keep your home comfortable for summer
With the summer season now slowly winding up, it’s a good time to reflect on the thermal performance of your home from the past few months;